IH03: Child Development

US$ 39.00

Using a spoken slide presentation format this interesting course will introduce you to the major factors influencing the growing child: namely physical development, cognitive development, language development and personality development. Each topic is accompanied by quality websites to read, expanding on the information provided in the slide presentations. Self-test quizzes will help you to focus on the aspects of importance in each topic.

Access Time:
1 month (starting from time of purchase)
Enrolling in more than 1 course? Time is cumulative ie buy 2 courses, have 2 months access to both courses
4 CH
There are no CERPs available for this course.
Learning style:
This is a self-guided course.


There are no prerequisites for this course.


  • Physical Development
  • Cognitive Development
  • Language Skills Development
  • Personality Development

Reading material

  • All required materials and resources are provided online.
    • A quality, current text on Child Development would support your course work.

Quality Assurance

This introduction to Child Development was developed by Denise Fisher, MMP, BN, IBCLC. Denise has extensive experience in newborn and pediatric care; and has taught these topics for many years.


The aim of this course is to provide students of lactation and breastfeeding studies with an introduction to the developmental ages of stages of childhood to enhance their understanding and capabilities of the infants and children in their care.


On completion of this course the student will be able to:

  • Describe the progress of fine and gross motor skills
  • Describe the stimulation and reaction for each of the newborn reflexes
  • List the major fine motor and gross motor skills achieved at varying ages from birth to age 4 years
  • Discuss norms and individual variation in motor skills
  • Define cognition
  • Define the Piagetian concepts of schemes, assimilation and accommodation
  • List the ages and stages of cognitive development to 6 years as described by Piaget
  • Describe the cognitive growth of an infant in the sensorimotor and preoperational stages (to 6 years)
  • Describe the major milestones of stranger anxiety, object permanence, ability to pretend and egocentrism
  • Discuss Piaget's theory in view of more recent research
  • Define language
  • Recognize the requirements for language development
  • Describe the infant's progress in language development during the prelinguistic stage
  • Know when the first words appear and when the word explosion happens
  • Describe the stages in the child's acquisition of grammar
  • Discuss the theories of language acquisition
  • Define personality and temperament
  • List the attributes of personality
  • Discuss personality development in terms of the current theories


Achievement of the learning objectives is assessed by automatically graded, online, multiple-choice questions. A passing grade is 85%.

On successfully completing this course you will be able to download, save and print your Certificate of Completion. Your Certificate will note ongoing education accreditation points.


On successful completion of this course you will be awarded:

  • 4 CH

Do we offer CEUs? Need other types of accreditation? Please see our Accreditation FAQ for more information.
*Please see our Accreditation table for the most up-to-date accreditation numbers

Please note this course does NOT award CERPs and is NOT sufficiently comprehensive to meet the IBLCE prerequisite for a full semester length study of this subject for those students who may need to document completion of such a course of study.


  • The course is available as a one month subscription commencing on the day of notification to you of your username and password.
  • The subscription time is cumulative - for example, if you purchase 2 courses - you receive 2 months access to both courses.
  • The subscription time may be extended by purchasing extensions, but must be purchased before the subscription expiry date.
  • The average time taken to complete this course and the assessment is 4 hours.
  • On successful completion your Certificate will be available to you in pdf format from the course website or emailed to you.
  • Replacement certificates can be obtained for a fee, however we maintain an official transcript that is available free for all customers to download at any time.

Fees and Payments

  • Enrollments are accepted online, or upon receipt of a faxed or mailed enrollment form (available on request).
  • Payments online are available using either PayPal or WorldPay gateways.
  • The cost is US$42.00
  • Additional fees, that are out of our control, may be charged by your bank to convert this to your local currency.
  • Please see our Payments FAQ for more information.

Refunds and Privacy

Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information regarding refunds and our Privacy Policy is also available.

Pleasantly surprised at how easy the "system" worked with computer. Very simple to follow directions and I didn't get frustrated with getting booted out of system, etc. Thank you!
This course was great review, because as my children are getting older, sometimes you forget what happens at what age. It definitely refreshed my memory.
I work in a baby health environment and this course was great at updating my skills and knowledge.
Thank you! Well delivered; a great deal of information condensed into a manageable format.