XL51: Kathy Parkes: Lactation Choices Following Peri-and Postnatal Loss Summary

US$ 25.00US$ 20.00

At least 25% of all recognized pregnancies result in a loss, whether miscarriage or still birth.  This presentation will address the various choices available to mothers who have experienced perinatal or neonatal loss of the infant.  Breast binding is no longer recommended, and bromocriptine was removed for use as an anti-galactogogue, so what does that leave for these mothers to safely and comfortably suppress their milk supply?  This session will give you options to discuss with your clients.

Kathy Parkes
1 L CERP / 1 Pre-IBLCE exam hour
Access period:
One week
Lecture recorded for Health e-Learning

Kathy Parkes is a registered nurse, IBCLC, and Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association (FILCA) with over 30 years of experience in lactation management and education.  She has been actively involved with breastfeeding coalitions at the local, state, and international levels.  Now a published author, her first book, “Perspectives in Lactation: Is Private Practice for Me?”, sold out the first printing in only 48 hours.  Kathy has worked in multiple lactation settings, including the hospital, private practice, education, home health care, and in the US-based Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) program. Through her private practice Breastfeeding Perspectives, Kathy provides office, home, and virtual consults to families who desire to breastfeed/chestfeed in the San Antonio, Texas, USA area.