Lactation Care Counselor Training Program

The International Institute of Human Lactation Inc. - Health e-Learning® and Nourish & Nurture offer a Lactation Care Counselor Training Program, combining both online and face to face courses as well as clinical experience and evaluation. This program gives the student an opportunity to take courses online via Health e-Learning (with tutor access) 24/7 for a total period of 12 months and attend other courses at a designated time face to face with a teacher via Nourish & Nurture, as well as clinical practice experience. Upon completing the program, the student will be evaluated through an exam and by testing clinical competencies.


Click here for enrollment


About the Program



FACE TO FACE COURSES in Mumbai, India (7 hours)

  • Counselling and communications
  • Breastfeeding workshop
  • Breastfeeding beyond the basics


As part of this program the student will spend 15 hours (3 x 5 hr days) with our highly respected lactation practitioner, Effath Yasmin IBCLC, at India’s First Lactation & Family Wellness Clinic in Mumbai. The experience will include 1-day observation, 1-day observation with learning to assess, and 1-day taking histories and working with an IBCLC. The student will be able to incorporate the knowledge gained through their studies and put it into practice in a supportive environment.
Knowledge and Clinical Assessment
Your lactation knowledge will be assessed by a computer based exam and your clinical assessment skills will be evaluated in a simulated clinical setting.
​You will receive a certificate of your completed studies.

About Nourish & Nurture


Effath Yasmin is an IBCLC, a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and founder of Nourish & Nurture.
​She has currently set up India’s First Lactation & Family Wellness Clinic with full day observation facilities in Mumbai.

The Nourish & Nurture clinic is Yasmin's earnest effort to provide encouragement, evidenced-based information, and education to every family. It symbolizes her commitment in making the continuum of birth into enriching life. This is the space that provides her solitude to be able to support families and educate students.

​Being the visionary, Yasmin spear-headed a professional support forum for Oral Ankylofrenulae - an international knowledge sharing network amongst multi- disciplinary health professionals globally. In an effort to sensitize and emphasise family centered care for the tongue tie treatment for professionals, she made an international documentary film project “Untying BREASTFEEDING TM”which has been world premiered in Australia.

About Health e-Learning®

Health e-Learning®- IIHL has been delivering both Face to Face and Online Education in the Lactation Industry for almost 20 years, and are recognized as pioneers and leaders in online Lactation Education, worldwide.

Director, Carole Dobrich, RN has been an IBCLC since 1996 and has extensive Clinical Lactation Practice and Education experience.

​Director, Lenore Goldfarb, PhD, CCC, IBCLC, holds a PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies with a Concentration in Arts and Sciences and a Specialization in Human Lactation
and Reproductive Counseling.

Together, their expertise has been combined to create courses that are of the highest quality, evidence-based and with the greatest attention to educational design. Our Lactation Course Tutors work with the students to answer any questions they have via an interactive online discussion forum.

​The supporting team includes Client Services who are available to assist students with questions and provide technical support. Our Tech Team is constantly striving to maintain our courses with the latest developments in technology.

Benefits of Online Education

Over the past decade, the growth of online education has been rapid. This is due to developing technology, which is available for improved course development and the easy access to Internet-enabled devices in the work and home environment.

Online education is perfect for adults who are capable of being self-directed and managing their time to best fit studies around their lives. Include the fact that many health professionals are shift-workers, the benefits of online education continue to add up.

​Courses can be accessed at any time from any internet enabled device. Students can study at work or home, in transit, during quiet periods, or on the weekend during dedicated study time. Study can be conducted at student’s own pace, and difficult or challenging information can be revisited as they wish.
Assessment quizzes for each course ensures the information is truly retained and that students will be prepared come course assessment time.

L'allaitement maternel culture

Écoutez les professionnels de la santé de partout dans le présent allaitement mondial dans leur culture. conférences gratuites.

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Articles récents

Bye bye 2023!

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